As your Honda Fit engine expels hot gases, a header helps to ensure that they are disposed of efficiently. The flow of gas from the engine goes to your headers before being sent to the catalytic converter and ultimately sent out the exhaust. The better we can move the gases out, the better your Honda Fit will perform.
Headers for your GK5:
RV6 High Flow Down Pipe

2-1 Super Circuit Header

What Header usually exist?
It is up to you to decide which header is right for your vehicle. You can choose OEM Headers, 4-2-1, 4-1, or racing headers. Normally 4-1 headers produce more power higher in the RPM band, whereas 4-2-1 headers produce more power at lower RPMs.
For the most efficient power in your Fit, choose the right Header that will work with the exhaust system you choose!